on poverty and joy
a hopeful calm as we watch ourselves slip towards extinction together

to regard what I’ve given you
or rather
what we’ve given each other
as little more than a companion that brings a kind of joy
in the same quiet way a cat or dog
asleep at the foot of your bed
might accompany you
as you start to drift off
only vaguely aware of these images which emerge in the drowsy half-attention of your conscious mind
and acknowledging each one before you send them on their way
letting them spread out before you
like stars
growing in number
as they group themselves
into constellations
the names of which escape you as you begin to connect them with faint incandescent lines
joining them together in shapes that resemble
a skeleton
poorly sketched across the black expanse of your mind and not unlike your own
onto which you can briefly project your attention
and as you drift
towards this projection of your corporal body
the latter becoming more abstract as you approach
so that this mental calm
couples with a numbness
beginning in your solar plexus and radiating out to the extremity of each limb
until this muted vibration is pulsating throughout your body
such that the pain that accompanies you in your daily life
the suffering that forms the way in which you recognize that the visual plane you experience is your own
becomes only a distant sensation
that seems to continue to move further away
and as you watch it recede you realize that your own body is not unlike
the stars as the sharpness of their edges against the blackness of the sky disappears
the boundaries of the world in which you find yourself embedded
grow less and less distinct
so too does your own body
as if your muscles and tendons
your very flesh
had begun to dissolve
leaving little trace
nothing more than a faint outline
and in this way
we come to understand that anything I have to say to you
or what we’ve already said to each other
is of little importance
other than creating something for us to take with us in the quiet of our collective death
so that in this moment of calm we can experience
sitting here
in each other’s company
not unlike that moment before
the moment before the last
in which someone who perhaps resembles us
but is not us
will share
before they watch themselves
slip off together
towards extinction
JOEY YEAROUS-ALGOZIN is the author of ~30 books/files. He is a member of the publishing collective, Troll Thread. His book, a feeling called heaven, is forthcoming in 2021.